owl:Ontology | |
dct:contributor |
Rebekka Plüss, research assistant and software developer, University of Basel, Switzerland
dct:creator |
Hans Cools, MD, knowledge engineer, ontologist, software developer, University of
Basel, Switzerland
dct:description |
Formal description of calendar, subclasses, related classes, and properties.
dct:issued |
dct:license | |
dct:publisher |
Universities of Basel, Bern, and Zürich, Switzerland
dct:title |
owl:versionInfo |
calendar:Calendar a rdfs:Class |
rdfs:comment |
System of reckoning time in which the beginning, length, and divisions of a year are
defined, sometimes along with multiyear cycles.
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
rdfs:subClassOf |
calendar:gregorianCalendar a calendar:Calendar |
rdfs:comment |
Calendar introduced on 15 October 1582 AD by Pope Gregory XIII, and a correction of
the Julian calendar. It is based on a solar year of 365 days. Every fourth year is
a leap year of 366 days except for centenary years not evenly divisible by 400.
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
calendrier grégorien
calendario gregoriano
gregorianischer Kalender
Gregorian calendar
skos:note |
Has 365.2425 days or 365 days, 5 hours, 49 minutes and 12 seconds per year. This number
is used in temoral reasoning.
calendar:julianCalendar a calendar:Calendar |
rdfs:comment |
Calendar introduced in 46 BC in Rome by Julius Caesar. It is based on a solar year
of 365 days. There are 12 months of 30 or 31 days, except for February, which has
28 days with the exception of every leap year when it has 29 days. Every fourth year
and centenary year is a leap year of 366 days. The beginning of a year is not fixed
on January 1. It was replaced by the Gregorian calendar in 1582 AD.
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
calendario juliano
julianischer Kalender
calendrier julien
Julian calendar
skos:note |
Has 365.25 days/year. This number is used in temoral reasoning.
A year that is exactly divisible by four is a leap year, except for years that are
exactly divisible by 100, but these centurial years are leap years if they are exactly
divisible by 400. For example, the years 1700, 1800, and 1900 are not leap years,
but the year 2000 is.
calendar:prolepticGregorianCalendar a calendar:Calendar |
rdfs:comment |
Produced by extending the Gregorian calendar backward to dates preceding its introduction
on 15 October 1582.
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
proleptischer gregorianischer Kalender
proleptic Gregorian calendar
calendrier grégorien proleptique
calendario gregoriano proleptico
skos:note |
There is no proleptic Gregorian year 0. Year 1 BC is followed by year 1 AD.
calendar:prolepticJulianCalendar a calendar:Calendar |
rdfs:comment |
Produced by extending the Julian calendar backward to dates preceding its use in stable
form from 4 AD on.
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
calendario juliano proleptico
proleptischer julianischer Kalender
calendrier julien proleptique
proleptic Julian calendar
skos:note |
There is no proleptic Julian year 0. Year 1 BC is followed by year 1 AD.
calendar:checkGregorianLeapYear a owl:DatatypeProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a Gregorian date as a list of literals to the message about the year being
leap or not.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
gregorianisches Schaltjahr prüfen
check Gregorian leap year
skos:note |
Used in the premise of the backward 'dateLiteralToDate', 'yearLiteralToPeriod', and
'yearMonthLiteralToPeriod' N3-rules for the Gregorian calendar to invoke its backward
'checkGregorianLeapYear' N3-rules returning the literal message for the year being
leap or not.
rdfs:range |
calendar:dateLiteralToDate a owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a calendar date as a literal list to the list with a calendar-dependent date
typed literal.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
Datumliteral zu Datum
date literal to date
skos:note |
Used in the premise of an N3-rule to invoke the backward N3-rule converting a date
literal list to the list with the calendar-dependent date typed literal and the Julian
Day Number for temporal reasoning.
rdfs:range |
calendar:endYearLiteralToCenturyPeriod a owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a list with a century end year literal and its calendar to the list with
the calendar-dependent start and end date typed literal, and start and end Julian
Day Number of the century.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
Endjahrliteral zu Jahrhundert
end year literal to century period
skos:note |
Used in the premise of an N3-rule to invoke the backward N3-rule converting a century
end year literal to the described object list, making explicit the start and end of
the century for interval calculus in temporal reasoning.
Used in case of an accuracy of a century for an event time indicator, e.g. Gregorian
death year '14..'.
rdfs:range |
calendar:gregorianListToDate a owl:DatatypeProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a Gregorian date as a list of literals to its date typed literal.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
Gregorian list to date
gregorianische Liste zu Datum
skos:note |
Used in the premise of the backward 'dateLiteralToDate', 'yearLiteralToPeriod', and
'yearMonthLiteralToPeriod' N3-rules for the Gregorian calendar to invoke its backward
'gregorianListToDate' N3-rule converting a Gregorian date literal list to its date
typed literal.
rdfs:range |
calendar:gregorianListToJulianDayNumber a owl:DatatypeProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a Gregorian date as a list of literals to its Julian Day Number.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
Gregorian list to Julian Day Number
gregorianische Liste zu julianische Tagesnummer
skos:note |
Used in the premise of the backward 'dateLiteralToDate', 'yearLiteralToPeriod', and
'yearMonthLiteralToPeriod' N3-rules for the Gregorian calendar to invoke its backward
'gregorianListToJulianDayNumber' N3-rule converting a Gregorian date literal list
to its Julian Day Number.
rdfs:range |
calendar:hasCalendar a owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating an event to a calendar.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
has calendar
hat Kalender
rdfs:range |
calendar:hasEndJulianDayNumber a owl:DatatypeProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating an event to its end Julian Day Number.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
hat End-julianische Tagesnummer
has end Julian Day Number
skos:note |
Used in an N3-rule to convert a calendar end date literal list of a year or year-month
period to an end Julian Day Number integer.
rdfs:range | |
rdfs:subPropertyOf |
calendar:hasGregorianDate a owl:DatatypeProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating something to its Gregorian date.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
has Gregorian date
hat gregorianisches Datum
rdfs:range |
calendar:hasGregorianEndDate a owl:DatatypeProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating an event to its Gregorian end date.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
hat gregorianisches Enddatum
has Gregorian end date
rdfs:range |
calendar:hasGregorianStartDate a owl:DatatypeProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating an event to its Gregorian start date.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
hat gregorianisches Startdatum
has Gregorian start date
rdfs:range |
calendar:hasJulianDate a owl:DatatypeProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating something to its Julian date.
rdfs:domain | |||||||||
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |||||||||
rdfs:label |
hat julianisches Datum
has Julian date
rdfs:range |
calendar:hasJulianEndDate a owl:DatatypeProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating something to its Julian end date.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
hat julianisches Enddatum
has Julian end date
rdfs:range |
calendar:hasJulianStartDate a owl:DatatypeProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating something to its Julian start date.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
has Julian start date
hat julianisches Startdatum
rdfs:range |
calendar:hasMessageLiteral a owl:DatatypeProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating something to a message literal about a calendar related time expression about
that something.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
hat Nachrichtliteral
has message literal
skos:note |
Used in an N3-rule; e.g. checking on leap year: "Has leap year."; e.g. checking consistency
of e.g. month number, in case > 12: "There are only 12 months in the Gregorian, Julian
or proleptic Julian calendar."
rdfs:range |
calendar:hasProlepticJulianDate a owl:DatatypeProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating something to its proleptic Julian date.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
has proleptic Julian date
hat proleptisch julianisches Datum
rdfs:range |
calendar:hasProlepticJulianEndDate a owl:DatatypeProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating something to its proleptic Julian end date.
rdfs:domain | |||||||||
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |||||||||
rdfs:label |
hat proleptisch julianisches Enddatum
has proleptic Julian end date
rdfs:range |
calendar:hasProlepticJulianStartDate a owl:DatatypeProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating something to its proleptic Julian start date.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
has proleptic Julian start date
hat proleptisch julianisches Startdatum
rdfs:range |
calendar:hasStartJulianDayNumber a owl:DatatypeProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating something to its start Julian Day Number.
rdfs:domain | |||||||||||||||
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |||||||||||||||
rdfs:label |
has start Julian Day Number
hat Start-julianische Tagesnummer
skos:note |
Used in an N3-rule to convert a calendar start date literal list of a year or year-month
period to a start Julian Day Number integer.
rdfs:range |
rdfs:subPropertyOf |
calendar:julianDayNumeralToGregorianDate a owl:DatatypeProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a Julian Day Numeral to its Gregorian date typed literal.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
julianischer Tag-Numeral zu gregorianischem Datum
Julian Day Numeral to Gregorian date
skos:note |
Used in the premise of an N3-rule to invoke the eponymous backward N3-rule to convert
a Julian Day Numeral, i.e. not typed with calendar:julianDayNumber, to its Gregorian
date typed literal.
rdfs:range |
calendar:julianListToDate a owl:DatatypeProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a Julian date as a list of literals to its date typed literal.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
julianische Liste zu Datum
Julian list to date
skos:note |
Used in the premise of the backward 'dateLiteralToDate' N3-rules for the Julian calendar
to invoke its backward 'julianListToDate' N3-rule converting a Julian date literal
list to its date typed literal.
rdfs:range |
calendar:julianListToJulianDayNumber a owl:DatatypeProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a Julian date as a list of literals to its Julian Day Number.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
julianische Liste zu julianische Tagesnummer
Julian list to Julian Day Number
skos:note |
Used in the premise of the backward 'dateLiteralToDate', 'yearLiteralToPeriod', and
'yearMonthLiteralToPeriod' N3-rules to invoke its backward 'julianListToJulianDayNumber'
N3-rule converting a Julian date literal list to its Julian Day Number.
rdfs:range |
calendar:julianSetListToDate a owl:DatatypeProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a Julian date literal list with set month and day to its date typed literal.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
Julian set date list to date
gesetzte julianische Datumliste zu Datum
skos:note |
Used in the premise of the backward 'yearLiteralToPeriod' and 'yearMonthLiteralToPeriod'
N3-rules for the Julian calendar to invoke its backward 'julianSetListToDate' N3-rule
converting a Julian date literal list to its date typed literal.
rdfs:range |
calendar:prolepticJulianListToDate a owl:DatatypeProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a proleptic Julian date as a list of literals to its date typed literal.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
proleptic Julian list to date
proleptisch julianische Liste zu Datum
skos:note |
Used in the premise of the backward 'dateLiteralToDate' N3-rules for the proleptic
Julian calendar to invoke its backward 'prolepticJulianListToDate' N3-rule converting
a proleptic Julian date literal list to its date typed literal.
rdfs:range |
calendar:prolepticJulianListToJulianDayNumber a owl:DatatypeProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a proleptic Julian date as a list of literals to its Julian Day Number.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
proleptic Julian list to Julian Day Number
proleptisch julianische Liste zu julianischer Tagesnummer
skos:note |
Used in the premise of the backward 'dateLiteralToDate', 'yearLiteralToPeriod', and
'yearMonthLiteralToPeriod' N3-rules to invoke its backward 'prolepticJulianListToJulianDayNumber'
N3-rule converting a proleptic Julian date literal list to its Julian Day Number.
rdfs:range |
calendar:prolepticJulianSetListToDate a owl:DatatypeProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a proleptic Julian date literal list with set month and day, to its date
typed literal.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
proleptic Julian set date list to date
gesetzte proleptisch julianische Datumliste zu Datum
skos:note |
Used in the premise of the backward 'yearLiteralToPeriod' and 'yearMonthLiteralToPeriod'
N3-rules for the proleptic Julian calendar to invoke its backward 'prolepticJulianSetListToDate'
N3-rule converting a proleptic Julian date literal list to its date typed literal.
rdfs:range |
calendar:startYearLiteralToCenturyPeriod a owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a list with a century start year literal and its calendar to the list with
the calendar-dependent start and end date typed literal, and start and end Julian
Day Number of the century.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
start year literal to century period
Startjahrliteral zu Jahrhundert
skos:note |
Used in case of an accuracy of a century for an event time indicator, e.g. Gregorian
death year '14..'.
Used in the premise of an N3-rule to invoke the backward N3-rule converting a century
start year literal to the described object list, making explicit the start and end
of the century for interval calculus in temporal reasoning.
rdfs:range |
calendar:yearLiteralToDecadePeriod a owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a list with a decade start year literal and its calendar to the list with
the calendar-dependent start and end date typed literal, and start and end Julian
Day Number of the decade.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
Jahrliteral zu Jahrzehnt
year literal to decade period
skos:note |
Used in the premise of an N3-rule to invoke the backward N3-rule converting a decade
start year literal to the described object list, making explicit the start and end
of the decade for interval calculus in temporal reasoning.
rdfs:range |
calendar:yearLiteralToPeriod a owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a calendar year literal to the list with the calendar-dependent start and
end date typed literal, and start and end Julian Day Number of the year.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
year literal to period
Jahrliteral zu Zeitraum
skos:note |
Used in the premise of an N3-rule to invoke the backward N3-rule converting a year
literal to the described list, making explicit the start and end of the year for interval
calculus in temporal reasoning.
rdfs:range |
calendar:yearMonthLiteralToPeriod a owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a calendar year-month literal list to the list with the calendar-dependent
start and end date typed literal, and start and end Julian Day Number of the month.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
year month literal to period
Jahr- und Monatliteral zu Zeitraum
skos:note |
Used in the premise of an N3-rule to invoke the backward N3-rule converting a year-month
literal list to the described object list, making explicit the start and end of the
month for interval calculus in temporal reasoning.
rdfs:range |