Jacques Delille's poetry citation
owl:Ontology | |
dct:contributor |
Prof. Dr. Hugues Marchal, Departement of Languages and Literatures, Faculty of Philosophy
and History, University of Basel
Dr. Roberta Padlina, tool coordinator and software developer, University of Basel,
dct:creator |
Hans Cools, MD, knowledge engineer, ontologist, software developer, University of
Basel, Switzerland
dct:description |
Formal description of specific concepts in the scholarly edition about citations of
the poem 'L'Homme des champs' of Jacques Delille, 22 June 1738 – 1 May 1813.
dct:license | |
dct:publisher |
University of Basel, Switzerland
dct:title |
An ontology about Jacques Delille's poetry citation
owl:versionInfo |
delille:Anthology a rdfs:Class |
rdfs:comment |
Anthology as in the scholarly edition about Jacques Delille's poetry citation.
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
rdfs:subClassOf |
delille:AnthologyOrManual a rdfs:Class |
rdfs:comment |
Anthology or teaching manual (but not both) citing one or more verses of a poem authored
by Jacques Delille.
owl:disjointUnionOf | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
citing anthology or teaching manual
zitierende/s Anthologie oder Lehrbuch
rdfs:subClassOf |
delille:Argument a rdfs:Class |
rdfs:comment |
Argument of a commentary on a citation of a verse of a poem authored by Jacques Delille.
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
rdfs:subClassOf |
delille:Article a rdfs:Class |
rdfs:comment |
Publication article citing one or more verses of a poem authored by Jacques Delille.
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
zitierender Artikel
citing article
rdfs:subClassOf |
delille:Canto a rdfs:Class |
rdfs:comment |
Verse section in a verse poem authored by Jacques Delille.
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
chant de Jacques Delille
Jacques Delille canto
Canto Jacques Delilles
canto di Jacques Delille
rdfs:subClassOf |
delille:Catalogue a rdfs:Class |
rdfs:comment |
Catalogue citing one or more verses of a poem authored by Jacques Delille.
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
citing catalogue
zitierende Katalog
rdfs:subClassOf |
delille:CitingExpression a rdfs:Class |
rdfs:comment |
Text expression citing one or more verses of a poem authored by Jacques Delille.
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
citing text expression
zitierende Textexpression
rdfs:subClassOf |
delille:Commentary a rdfs:Class |
rdfs:comment |
Commentary on a citation of a verse of a poem authored by Jacques Delille.
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
rdfs:subClassOf |
delille:Dictionary a rdfs:Class |
rdfs:comment |
Dictionary citing one or more verses of a poem authored by Jacques Delille.
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
citing dictionary
zitierendes Wörterbuch
rdfs:subClassOf |
delille:EditedVersePoem a rdfs:Class |
rdfs:comment |
Verse poem authored by Jacques Delille and edited.
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
ediertes Versgedicht Jacques Delilles
edited Jacques Delille verse poem
rdfs:subClassOf |
delille:EssayOrPanoramicLiteraryOrPhilosophicOrHumanitiesExpression a rdfs:Class |
rdfs:comment |
Essay, or panoramic literary, philosophic or Humanities publication expression citing
one or more verses of a poem authored by Jacques Delille.
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
essai citant , ou expression littéraire panoramique et pittoresque, philosophique
ou scientifique humaines
zitierendes Essay, oder panoramisch literarisch, philosophisch oder geisteswissenschaftliche
citing essay, or panoramic literary, philosophic or Humanities expression
rdfs:subClassOf |
delille:LiteraryExpression a rdfs:Class |
rdfs:comment |
Literary publication expression citing one or more verses of a poem authored by Jacques
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
citing literary publication expression
zitierende literarische Publikationsexpression
rdfs:subClassOf |
delille:LiteraryNonfictionExpression a rdfs:Class |
rdfs:comment |
Literary nonfiction expression, e.g. historical, citing one or more verses of a poem
authored by Jacques Delille, being a memoir, biography, history, anecdote, or correspondence.
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
zitierende sachliche literarische Expression
expression littéraire non-fiction citante
citing literary nonfiction expression
rdfs:subClassOf |
delille:LiteraryScientificExpression a rdfs:Class |
rdfs:comment |
Literary scientific publication expression in esthetics, poetry and literary history,
citing one or more verses of a poem authored by Jacques Delille.
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
expression scientifique littéraire citante
zitierende Literaturwissenschaftliche Expression
citing literary scientific expression
rdfs:subClassOf |
delille:Manual a rdfs:Class |
rdfs:comment |
Teaching manual as in the scholarly edition about Jacques Delille's poetry citation.
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
manuel scolaire
manuale di testo
teaching manual
rdfs:subClassOf |
delille:NonArtist-ManOfLetters-Vulgarizer a rdfs:Class |
rdfs:comment |
Role of a person which is not artist, man of letters, or vulgarizer.
owl:disjointWith | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
non-artist-man of letters-vulgarizer
rdfs:subClassOf |
delille:NonOriginalEngravingImageExpression a rdfs:Class |
rdfs:comment |
Image accompanying a Delille citing text expression, different from the original engraving.
This image can be a painting, drawing, or engraving.
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
nicht-originale Gravure Bildxpression
non-original engraving image expression
rdfs:subClassOf |
delille:NonVersePoem a rdfs:Class |
rdfs:comment |
Expression other than a verse poem, authored by Jacques Delille.
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
Non-Versgedicht Jacques Delilles
Jacques Delille non-verse poem
rdfs:subClassOf |
delille:Novel a rdfs:Class |
rdfs:comment |
Novel citing one or more verses of a poem authored by Jacques Delille.
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
citing novel
zitierender Roman
rdfs:subClassOf |
delille:PoemOrVersePlay a rdfs:Class |
rdfs:comment |
Poem or verse play (but not both) citing one or more verses of a poem authored by
Jacques Delille.
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
poème ou pièce de théâtre en vers citante
zitierendes Gedicht oder Vers-Theaterstück
citing poem or verse play
rdfs:subClassOf |
delille:ScholarlyEdition a rdfs:Class |
rdfs:comment |
Scholarly edition of a verse poem authored by Jacques Delille.
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
Jacques Delille verse poem scholarly edition
wissenschaftliche Edition eines Versgedichtes Jacques Delilles
rdfs:subClassOf |
delille:ScientificOrVulgarizedExpression a rdfs:Class |
rdfs:comment |
Natural scientific or vulgarized publication expression citing one or more verses
of a poem authored by Jacques Delille.
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
citing scientific or vulgarized publication expression
zitierende wissenschaftliche oder vulgarisierte Publikation-Expression
rdfs:subClassOf |
delille:TranslatedVersePoem a rdfs:Class |
rdfs:comment |
Translated Jacques Delille verse poem.
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
übersetzter Versgedicht Jacques Delilles
translated Jacques Delille verse poem
rdfs:subClassOf |
delille:VersePoem a rdfs:Class |
rdfs:comment |
Verse poem authored by Jacques Delille.
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
Versgedicht Jacques Delilles
Jacques Delille verse poem
rdfs:subClassOf |
delille:hasExternalResource a owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a Delille-project resource to an external, i.e. non-Delille-project resource.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
has external resource
hat externe Ressource
rdfs:range |
delille:hasPunctuatedCitedVerseNumberSequenceLiteral a owl:DatatypeProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a text expression, citing one or more verses of a poem authored by Jacques
Delille, to its punctuated cited verse number sequence literal.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
hat interpunktierte citierter Versnummersequenzliterale
has punctuated cited verse number sequence literal
skos:note |
Used in the conclusion of an N3-rule invoking in the premise a backward N3-rule to
replace in a sequence of non-negative integers inner consecutive NNIs with a hyphen
and separate non-consecutive NNIs with a comma.
rdfs:range |