Jacques Delille's poetry citation research
owl:Ontology | |
dct:contributor |
Prof. Dr. Hugues Marchal, Departement of Languages and Literatures, Faculty of Philosophy
and History, University of Basel
Dr. Roberta Padlina, tool coordinator and software developer, University of Basel,
dct:creator |
Hans Cools, MD, knowledge engineer, ontologist, software developer, University of
Basel, Switzerland
dct:description |
Formal description of specific concepts in the scholarly edition about citations of
the poem 'L'Homme des champs' of Jacques Delille, 22 June 1738 – 1 May 1813.
dct:license | |
dct:publisher |
University of Basel, Switzerland
dct:title |
An ontology about Jacques Delille's poetry citation research
owl:versionInfo |
delille-research:hasCitationOf a owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a citing text expression to a verse of 'L'Homme des Champs'.
rdfs:domain | |
owl:inverseOf | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
has citation of
hat Zitat von
rdfs:range |
delille-research:hasCitingAgeNumeral a owl:DatatypeProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a person who cited a verse of 'L'Homme Des Champs' to the person's age at
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
hat Zitierungsalternumerale
has citing age numeral
skos:note |
Used in an N3-rule to calculate for a person the age at citing.
rdfs:range |
delille-research:hasCitingAgeRangeLiteral a owl:DatatypeProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a person who cited a verse of 'L'Homme Des Champs' to the person's age range
at citing.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
hat Zitierungsaltersbereichliterale
has citing age range literal
skos:note |
Used in an N3-rule to calculate for a person the age range at citing.
rdfs:range |
delille-research:hasClassSpecificCitedVerse a owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a text expression to a verse of 'L'Homme des champs' it cites class-specifically,
i.e. not cited in instances of another citing expression class.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
has class-specific cited verse
skos:note |
The verse can also be cited in another expression instance of the same class.
Used in the conclusion of an N3-rule to retrieve an expression citing a verse specific
for the expression class, with the cited verse.
rdfs:range |
delille-research:hasMessageLiteral a owl:DatatypeProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating something to a message literal.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
has message literal
rdfs:range |
delille-research:hasPunctuatedClassSpecificCitedVerseNumberSequenceLiteral a owl:DatatypeProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a text expression, citing class-specifically one or more verses of a poem
authored by Jacques Delille, to its punctuated cited verse number sequence literal.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
hat interpunktierte klassenspezifische citierter Versnummersequenzliterale
has punctuated class-specific cited verse number sequence literal
skos:note |
Used in the conclusion of an N3-rule invoking in the premise a backward N3-rule to
replace in a sequence of non-negative integers inner consecutive NNIs with a hyphen
and separate non-consecutive NNIs with a comma.
rdfs:range |
delille-research:hasPunctuatedUniquelyCitedVerseNumberSequenceLiteral a owl:DatatypeProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a text expression, citing uniquely one or more verses of a poem authored
by Jacques Delille, to its punctuated cited verse number sequence literal.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
has punctuated unique cited verse number sequence literal
hat interpunktierte einmalige citierter Versnummersequenzliterale
skos:note |
Used in the conclusion of an N3-rule invoking in the premise a backward N3-rule to
replace in a sequence of non-negative integers inner consecutive NNIs with a hyphen
and separate non-consecutive NNIs with a comma.
rdfs:range |
delille-research:hasUniqueCitedVerse a owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a text expression to a verse of 'L'Homme des champs' it uniquely cites.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
has unique cited verse
skos:note |
Used in the conclusion of an N3-rule to retrieve an expression uniquely citing a verse,
with the cited verse.
rdfs:range |
delille-research:verseHasHighestNumberOfCitations a owl:DatatypeProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a verse of 'L'Homme Des Champs' to the highest number of citations of all
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
verse has highest number of citations
Vers hat höchste Anzahl von Zitaten
skos:note |
Used in an N3-rule to count for a verse the highest number of citations.
rdfs:range |
delille-research:verseHasLowestNumberOfCitations a owl:DatatypeProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a verse of 'L'Homme Des Champs' to the lowest number of citations of all
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
Vers hat geringste Anzahl von Zitaten
verse has lowest number of citations
skos:note |
Used in an N3-rule to count for a verse the lowest number of citations.
rdfs:range |
delille-research:verseHasMidCitationGregorianDate a owl:DatatypeProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a verse of 'L'Homme des champs' to the mid Gregorian date of the period wherein
the verse is cited in different expressions.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
verse has mid citation Gregorian date
rdfs:range |
delille-research:verseHasMidCitationJulianDayNumber a owl:DatatypeProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a verse of 'L'Homme des champs' to the mid Julian Day Number of the period
wherein the verse is cited in different expressions.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
verse has mid citation Julian Day Number
rdfs:range |
delille-research:verseHasNumberOfCitations a owl:DatatypeProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a verse of 'L'Homme Des Champs' to the number of expressions wherein cited.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
Vers hat Anzahl von Zitaten
verse has number of citations
skos:note |
Used in an N3-rule to count for a verse the number of citations.
rdfs:range |
delille-research:verseHasNumberOfCiterAgeRangeLiterals a owl:DatatypeProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a verse of 'L'Homme Des Champs' to the number of ranges of the ages of the
persons who cited that verse.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
Vers hat Anzahl der ZitiererInsaltersbereichliterale
verse has number of citer age range literals
skos:note |
Used in an N3-rule to count for a verse the number of ranges of the ages of the persons
who cited that verse.
rdfs:range |
delille-research:verseHasNumberOfCiters a owl:DatatypeProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a verse of 'L'Homme Des Champs' to the number of citers it has.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
Vers hat Anzahl der ZitiererInnen
verse has number of citers
skos:note |
Used in an N3-rule to count for a verse the number of citers.
rdfs:range |
delille-research:verseHasNumberOfCitersAge10-19 a owl:DatatypeProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a verse of 'L'Homme Des Champs' to the number of citers in the age range
of 10-19.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
Vers hat Anzahl von ZitiererInnen im Altersbereich 10-19
verse has number of citers in age range 10-19
skos:note |
Used in an N3-rule to count for a verse the number of citers in the age range of 10-19.
rdfs:range |
delille-research:verseHasNumberOfCitersAge20-29 a owl:DatatypeProperty |
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
skos:note |
Label, comment, and note similar to :verseHasNumberOfCitersAge10-19.
rdfs:range |
delille-research:verseHasNumberOfCitersAge30-39 a owl:DatatypeProperty |
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
skos:note |
Label, comment, and note similar to :verseHasNumberOfCitersAge10-19.
rdfs:range |
delille-research:verseHasNumberOfCitersAge40-49 a owl:DatatypeProperty |
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
skos:note |
Label, comment, and note similar to :verseHasNumberOfCitersAge10-19.
rdfs:range |
delille-research:verseHasNumberOfCitersAge50-59 a owl:DatatypeProperty |
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
skos:note |
Label, comment, and note similar to :verseHasNumberOfCitersAge10-19.
rdfs:range |
delille-research:verseHasNumberOfCitersAge60-69 a owl:DatatypeProperty |
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
skos:note |
Label, comment, and note similar to :verseHasNumberOfCitersAge10-19.
rdfs:range |
delille-research:verseHasNumberOfCitersAge70-79 a owl:DatatypeProperty |
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
skos:note |
Label, comment, and note similar to :verseHasNumberOfCitersAge10-19.
rdfs:range |
delille-research:verseHasNumberOfCitersAge80-89 a owl:DatatypeProperty |
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
skos:note |
Label, comment, and note similar to :verseHasNumberOfCitersAge10-19.
rdfs:range |
delille-research:verseHasNumberOfEarlyAnthologyOrManualAndDictionaryCitations a owl:DatatypeProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a verse of 'L'homme des champs' to the number of early anthologies or manuals,
and dictionaries citing the verse.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
verse has number of early anthology or manual and dictionary citations
Vers hat frühe Anthologie- oder Lehrbuch- und Wörterbuch-Zitate
skos:note |
Early means before the middle time point of the whole publication period of all expressions
citing the verse.
rdfs:range |
delille-research:verseHasNumberOfEarlyNonAnthologyOrManualAndDictionaryCitations a owl:DatatypeProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a verse of 'L'homme des champs' to the number of early text expressions,
not being an anthology or manual, or dictionary, citing the verse.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
verse has number of early non-anthology or -manual and -dictionary citations
Vers hat frühe Non-Anthologie- oder -Lehrbuch- oder -Wörterbuch-Zitate
rdfs:range |
delille-research:verseHasNumberOfEarlyNonScientificOrVulgarizedExpressionAndDictionaryCitations a owl:DatatypeProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a verse of 'L'homme des champs' to the number of early text expressions,
not being a scientific or vulgarized expression, or dictionary, citing the verse.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
Vers hat frühe non-wissenschaftliche oder -vulgarisierte Expression- oder Non-Wörterbuch-Zitate
verse has number of early non-scientific or vulgarized expression, and non-dictionary
rdfs:range |
delille-research:verseHasNumberOfEarlyScientificOrVulgarizedExpressionAndDictionaryCitations a owl:DatatypeProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a verse of 'L'homme des champs' to the number of early scientific or vulgarized
expressions, and dictionaries citing the verse.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
verse has number of early scientific or vulgarized expression and dictionary citations
Vers hat frühe wissenschaftliche oder vulgarisierte Expression- und Wörterbuch-Zitate
skos:note |
Early means before the middle time point of the whole publication period of all expressions
citing the verse.
rdfs:range |
delille-research:verseHasNumberOfLateAnthologyOrManualAndDictionaryCitations a owl:DatatypeProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a verse of 'L'homme des champs' to the number of late anthologies or manuals,
and dictionaries citing the verse.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
Vers hat späte Anthologie- oder Lehrbuch- und Wörterbuch-Zitate
verse has number of late anthology or manual and dictionary citations
rdfs:range |
delille-research:verseHasNumberOfLateNonAnthologyOrManualAndDictionaryCitations a owl:DatatypeProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a verse of 'L'homme des champs' to the number of late text expressions, not
being an anthology or manual, or dictionary, citing the verse.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
Vers hat späte Non-Anthologie- oder -Lehrbuch- und -Wörterbuch-Zitate
verse has number of late non-anthology or -manual and -dictionary citations
rdfs:range |
delille-research:verseHasNumberOfLateNonScientificOrVulgarizedExpressionAndDictionaryCitations a owl:DatatypeProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a verse of 'L'homme des champs' to the number of late text expressions, not
being a scientific or vulgarized expression, or dictionary, citing the verse.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
verse has number of late non-scientific or vulgarized expression, and non-dictionary
Vers hat späte non-wissenschaftliche oder -vulgarisierte Expression- und Non-Wörterbuch-Zitate
rdfs:range |
delille-research:verseHasNumberOfLateScientificOrVulgarizedExpressionAndDictionaryCitations a owl:DatatypeProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a verse of 'L'homme des champs' to the number of late scientific or vulgarized
expressions, and dictionaries citing the verse.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
verse has number of late scientific or vulgarized expression and dictionary citations
Vers hat späte wissenschaftliche oder vulgarisierte Expression- und Wörterbuch-Zitate
rdfs:range |