owl:Ontology | |
dct:contributor |
Rebekka Plüss, research assistant and software developer, University of Basel, Switzerland
dct:creator |
Hans Cools, MD, knowledge engineer, ontologist and software developer, University
of Basel, Switzerland
dct:description |
Formal description of publishing, its general subclasses, related classes and properties.
dct:license | |
dct:publisher |
Universities of Basel, Bern, and Zürich, Switzerland
dct:title |
An ontology about publishing
owl:versionInfo |
publishing:AgentPublisher a rdfs:Class |
rdfs:comment |
Role of an agent, person or group, that is publishing.
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
publisher role of agent
Herausgeberrolle eines Akteurs
rdfs:subClassOf |
publishing:Article a rdfs:Class |
rdfs:comment |
Article as unit in a publication expression.
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
publication article
articolo pubblicazione
article de publication
rdfs:subClassOf |
publishing:AuthorizedPublication a rdfs:Class |
rdfs:comment |
Publication with the author's authorization.
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
authorized publication
publication autorisée
pubblicazione autorizzata
autorisierte Publikation
rdfs:subClassOf |
publishing:Bibliography a rdfs:Class |
rdfs:comment |
List of bibliographic references to articles or books referenced in a scholarly article
or book , usually appearing at the end of the publication expression.
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
rdfs:seeAlso | |
rdfs:subClassOf |
publishing:ElectronicPublication a rdfs:Class |
rdfs:comment |
Publication on an electronic carrier.
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
pubblicazione elettronica
publication électronique
elektronische Publikation
electronic publication
rdfs:subClassOf |
publishing:Expression a rdfs:Class |
rdfs:comment |
Document expression abstracted from a publication carrier, based on FRBRoo.
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
expression de publication
espressione di pubblicazione
publication expression
rdfs:subClassOf |
publishing:FirstPublication a rdfs:Class |
rdfs:comment |
Earliest publication of an expression.
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
première publication
first publication
prima pubblicazione
rdfs:subClassOf |
publishing:JournalIssue a rdfs:Class |
rdfs:comment |
Periodical publication issued with continuous pagination throughout its volume.
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
publication d'une revue
pubblicazione di un giornale
journal issue
rdfs:seeAlso | |
rdfs:subClassOf |
publishing:LastPublication a rdfs:Class |
rdfs:comment |
Last publication of an expression.
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
letzte Ausgabe
ultima pubblicazione
last publication
dernière publication
rdfs:subClassOf |
publishing:MagazineIssue a rdfs:Class |
rdfs:comment |
Periodical publication issued with individual pagination.
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
publication d'un magazine
magazine issue
pubblicazione di una rivista
rdfs:seeAlso | |
rdfs:subClassOf |
publishing:NachlassPublication a rdfs:Class |
rdfs:comment |
Publication of a nachlass element.
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
publication nachlass
nachlass publication
pubblicazione in nachlass
rdfs:subClassOf |
publishing:NewsArticle a rdfs:Class |
rdfs:comment |
Publication article containing most recent information about something.
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
news article
article d'actualité
articolo di giornale
rdfs:subClassOf |
publishing:NewspaperIssue a rdfs:Class |
rdfs:comment |
Serial publication issued mostly daily, with most recent event descriptions as core
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
newspaper issue
rdfs:seeAlso | |
rdfs:subClassOf |
publishing:NewspaperPublisher a rdfs:Class |
rdfs:comment |
Publisher of a newspaper.
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
newspaper publisher
editore di giornali
éditeur de journaux
rdfs:subClassOf |
publishing:OrganizationPublisher a rdfs:Class |
rdfs:comment |
Publisher as role of an organization.
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
Herausgeberrolle einer Organisation
publisher role of organization
rdfs:subClassOf |
publishing:PartitionedPublication a rdfs:Class |
rdfs:comment |
Publication comprising the volumes of a partitioned work, e.g. carrying a dictionary.
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
pubblicazione partizionata
partitionierte Publikation
partitioned publication
publication partitionnée
rdfs:subClassOf |
publishing:PartitionedPublishing a rdfs:Class |
rdfs:comment |
Publishing the volumes of a partitioned work, mostly consecutively.
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
partitioniertes Publizieren
partitioned publishing
publication en partition
pubblicazione in partizione
rdfs:subClassOf |
publishing:PeriodicalIssue a rdfs:Class |
rdfs:comment |
Serial publication issued at a regular interval of less than a year, e.g. daily, weekly,
monthly, quarterly, without prior decision as to when the final issue will appear.
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
periodical publication issue
pubblicazione di un periodico
publication périodique
rdfs:seeAlso | |
rdfs:subClassOf |
publishing:PersonPublisher a rdfs:Class |
rdfs:comment |
Publisher as role of a person.
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
Herausgeberrolle einer Person
publisher role of person
persona editore
rdfs:subClassOf |
publishing:PolyAuthorPublication a rdfs:Class |
rdfs:comment |
Publication of different expressions by different authors.
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
publication de plusieurs auteurs
pubblicazione poli-autore
poly-author publication
rdfs:subClassOf |
publishing:PrintedPublication a rdfs:Class |
rdfs:comment |
Publication as print.
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
printed publication
gedruckte Publikation
pubblicazione stampata
publication imprimée
rdfs:subClassOf |
publishing:Publication a rdfs:Class |
rdfs:comment |
An expression published on a carrier.
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
rdfs:subClassOf |
publishing:Publishing a rdfs:Class |
rdfs:comment |
Procedure of making an expression public.
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
rdfs:subClassOf |
publishing:PublishingState a rdfs:Class |
rdfs:comment |
State of a document expression having been published or not.
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
état de publication
stato editoriale
publishing state
owl:oneOf | |
rdfs:subClassOf |
publishing:Redactor a rdfs:Class |
rdfs:comment |
Editor preparing an expression for publication.
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
rdfs:subClassOf |
publishing:Republication a rdfs:Class |
rdfs:comment |
Publication of a previously published document expression.
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
rdfs:subClassOf |
publishing:ReviewArticle a rdfs:Class |
rdfs:comment |
Publication article containing a review of something.
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
article de revue
review article
articolo di revisione
rdfs:subClassOf |
publishing:ScientificArticle a rdfs:Class |
rdfs:comment |
Publication article with scientific content.
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
scientific article
wissenschaftlicher Artikel
article scientifique
articolo scientifico
rdfs:subClassOf |
publishing:SerialIssue a rdfs:Class |
rdfs:comment |
Successive publication with same title, usually numbered and/or dated, at a regular
or irregular interval, without predetermined conclusion.
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
publication sérielle
pubblicazione seriale
serial issue
rdfs:seeAlso | |
rdfs:subClassOf |
publishing:SerialVolume a rdfs:Class |
rdfs:comment |
Set of serial issues, e.g. of a coterminous year, or all the issues ever published.
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
volume seriale
serial volume
volume série
rdfs:subClassOf |
publishing:SerialVolumeExistence a rdfs:Class |
rdfs:comment |
The publishing from the first to the last issue of a serial volume.
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
serial volume publishing existence
Publizierungsexistenz eines Serienbandes
rdfs:subClassOf |
publishing:TextExpression a rdfs:Class |
rdfs:comment |
Text as publication expression.
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
expression de texte de publication
espressione del testo della pubblicazione
publication text expression
rdfs:subClassOf |
publishing:WebpagePublication a rdfs:Class |
rdfs:comment |
Publication as webpage.
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
webpage publication
publication de page Web
pubblicazione della pagina web
rdfs:subClassOf |
publishing:WebsitePublication a rdfs:Class |
rdfs:comment |
Publication as website.
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
website publication
publication du site Web
rdfs:subClassOf |
publishing:notPublishedWithAuthor a document:State,
rdfs:comment |
State of a document expression not having been published with the author.
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
document not published with author
document non publié avec l'auteur
Dokument nicht mit Autor publiziert
documento non pubblicato con l'autore
skos:note |
Not a publishing state, but a mere document expression state; whether or not a document
expression is actually published, a publication with the author is not known.
publishing:published a publishing:PublishingState,
rdfs:comment |
State of a document expression having been published.
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
publishing:unpublished a publishing:PublishingState,
rdfs:comment |
State of a document expression not having been published.
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
non publié
publishing:hasDate a owl:DatatypeProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a publication to the date it is published on.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
Publikation hat Datum
publication has date
pubblicazione ha una data
publication a une date
rdfs:range | |
rdfs:subPropertyOf |
publishing:hasDescriptionLiteral a owl:DatatypeProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a publication to a description literal thereof.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
Publikation hat Beschreibungsliteral
pubblicazione ha letterale della descrizione
publication a littéral d'une description
publication has description literal
rdfs:range | |
rdfs:subPropertyOf |
publishing:hasElectronicPublication a owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating an expression to an electronic publication it has.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
has electronic publication
a une publication électronique
ha una pubblicazione elettronica
hat elektronische Publikation
rdfs:range | |
rdfs:subPropertyOf |
publishing:hasEndDecadePeriod a owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a publishing to the decade period the last volume is published in.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
Publizieren hat Endejahrzehntperiode
publishing has end decade period
publication a la période de décennie de fin
pubblicazione ha il periodo di decennio fino
skos:note |
Through a series of N3-rules a year literal without the year digit is converted to
its decade period with the respective calendar start and end date typed literal, and
with the start and end Julian Day Number, to enable interval calculus for temporal
rdfs:range |
publishing:hasEndYearPeriod a owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a publishing to the year period the last volume is published in.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
publication a la période d'année de fin
pubblicazione ha il periodo d'anno di fino
Publizieren hat Endejahrperiode
publishing has end year period
skos:note |
Through a series of N3-rules a year literal is converted to its year period with the
respective calendar start and end date typed literal, and with the start and end Julian
Day Number, to enable interval calculus for temporal reasoning.
rdfs:range |
publishing:hasFirstPublication a owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating an expression to its first publication.
rdfs:domain | |||||||||||||
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |||||||||||||
rdfs:label |
a une première publication
ha una prima pubblicazione
has first publication
hat erste Auflage
rdfs:range | |||||||||||||
rdfs:subPropertyOf |
publishing:hasLastAuthorizedPublication a owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating an expression to its last publication with the author's authorization.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
ha una pubblicazione autorizzata
a une publication autorisée
has last authorized publication
hat letzte autorisierte Auflage
rdfs:range | |
rdfs:subPropertyOf |
publishing:hasLastPublication a owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating an expression to its last publication.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
ha un'ultima pubblicazione
a une dernière publication
hat letzte Auflage
has last publication
rdfs:range | |
rdfs:subPropertyOf |
publishing:hasNachlassPublication a owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating an expression to a nachlass publication.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
hat Nachlasspublikation
a une publication nachlass
has nachlass publication
ha una pubblicazione nachlass
rdfs:range |
publishing:hasNachlassPublicationDescriptionLiteral a owl:DatatypeProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating an expression to a description literal of its nachlass publication.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
has nachlass publication description literal
ha letterale della descrizione di pubblicazione nachlass
a littéral d'une description d'une publication nachlass
hat Nachlasspublikationsbeschreibungsliteral
rdfs:range | |
rdfs:subPropertyOf |
publishing:hasNumeral a owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a publication to its numeral.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
Publikation hat Numeral
publication a numéral
publication has numeral
pubblicazione ha cifra
rdfs:range | |
rdfs:subPropertyOf |
publishing:hasPartitionedPublishing a owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a partitioned publication to its publishing.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
pubblicazione ha editoriale partizionata
Publikation hat partitioniertes Publizieren
publication a 'un publier' partitionné
publication has partitioned publishing
rdfs:range | |
rdfs:subPropertyOf |
publishing:hasPolyAuthorPublication a owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating an expression to a publication thereof containing also expressions of other
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
a une publication de plusieurs auteurs
has poly-author publication
hat Publikation mehrerer Autoren
ha una pubblicazione poli-autore
rdfs:range | |
rdfs:subPropertyOf |
publishing:hasPrinterDescriptionLiteral a owl:DatatypeProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a publication to its printer's description literal.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
has printer description literal
a littéral d'une description de l'imprimante
hat Druckerbeschreibungsliteral
ha letterale della descrizione della stampante
rdfs:range | |
rdfs:subPropertyOf |
publishing:hasPublicationNumber a owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a publication expression to its number in a publication.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
hat Publikationsnummer
has publication number
ha un numero di pubblicazione
a un numéro de publication
rdfs:range |
publishing:hasPublisher a owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a publication to its publisher.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
a un éditeur
has publisher
hat Herausgeber
ha un editore
rdfs:range | |
rdfs:subPropertyOf |
publishing:hasPublisherDescriptionLiteral a owl:DatatypeProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a publication to its publisher's description literal.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
hat Herausgeberbeschreibungsliteral
a littéral d'une description d'éditeur
has publisher description literal
ha letterale della descrizione dell'editore
rdfs:range | |
rdfs:subPropertyOf |
publishing:hasPublishing a owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating an expression to its publishing.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
hat Publizieren
ha editoria
has publishing
rdfs:range | |
rdfs:subPropertyOf |
publishing:hasPublishingState a owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating an expression to a publishing state it has.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
hat Publizierungszustand
ha uno stato editoriale
has publishing state
a un état de publication
rdfs:range | |
rdfs:subPropertyOf |
publishing:hasRedactor a owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a publication expression to a redactor thereof.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
ha redattore
has redactor
hat Redakteur
a un rédacteur
rdfs:range |
publishing:hasStartYearPeriod a owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a publishing to the year period the first volume is published in.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
pubblicazione ha il periodo d'anno d'inizio
publication a la période d'année de début
publishing has start year period
Publizieren hat Startjahrperiode
skos:note |
Through a series of N3-rules a year literal is converted to its year period with the
respective calendar start and end date typed literal, and with the start and end Julian
Day Number, to enable interval calculus for temporal reasoning.
rdfs:range |
publishing:hasTitleLiteral a owl:DatatypeProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a publication to its title literal.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
publication a littéral du titre
Publikation hat Titelliteral
publication has title literal
pubblicazione ha letterale del titolo
rdfs:range | |
rdfs:subPropertyOf |
publishing:hasYearMonthPeriod a owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a publication to the year-month period it is published in.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
publication has year-month period
Publikation hat Jahr-Monatperiode
publication a une période année-mois
pubblicazione ha un periodo di anno-mese
skos:note |
Through a series of N3-rules a publication year-month literal is converted to its
year-month period with the respective calendar start and end date typed literal, and
with the start and end Julian Day Number, to enable interval calculus for temporal
rdfs:range |
publishing:hasYearPeriod a owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a publication to the year period it is published in.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
Publikation hat Jahrperiode
publication has year period
pubblicazione ha un periodo di anno
la publication a une période annuelle
skos:note |
Through a series of N3-rules a publication year literal is converted to its year period
with the respective calendar start and end date typed literal, and with the start
and end Julian Day Number, to enable interval calculus for temporal reasoning.
rdfs:range |
publishing:isFirstPublishedIn a owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a publication expression to a first publication thereof.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
ist zuerst publiziert in
è pubblicato per la prima volta in
est publié pour la première fois dans
is first published in
rdfs:range | |
rdfs:subPropertyOf |
publishing:isPublishedOnWeb a owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a publication expression to its publication as Web page.
rdfs:domain | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
rdfs:label |
is published on Web
ist im Web publiziert
è pubblicata sul Web
est publiée sur le Web
rdfs:range | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
rdfs:subPropertyOf |
publishing:isRepublishedAs a owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a publication expression to another one as which the former is republished.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
ist neu publiziert als
est republié comme
is republished as
è ripubblicato come
rdfs:range |
publishing:isRepublishedIn a owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a publication expression to a republication thereof.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
ist neu publiziert in
est republié dans
è ripubblicato in
is republished in
owl:propertyChainAxiom | |
rdfs:range |
publishing:isReviewOf a owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a review article to the reviewed.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
ist Rezension zu
is review of
est une recension de
è recensione di
rdfs:range | |
rdfs:subPropertyOf |
publishing:isSerialIssueOfVolume a owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a serial issue to a volume it is part of.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
è pubblicazione seriale del volume
is serial issue of volume
ist Serienausgabe eines Bandes
est publication sérielle du volume
rdfs:range | |
rdfs:subPropertyOf |
publishing:serialVolumeHasExistence a owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a serial volume to its publishing existence.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
volume seriale ha esistenza del Pubblicare
Serienband hat Publizierungsexistenz
serial volume has publishing existence
volume série a existence de publier
rdfs:range | |
rdfs:subPropertyOf |