owl:Ontology | |
dct:contributor |
Roberta Padlina, project coordinator, software developer, University of Basel, Switzerland
dct:creator |
Hans Cools, MD, knowledge engineer, ontologist, software developer, University of
Basel, Switzerland
dct:description |
Formal description of text in broadest sense, general subclasses, related classes,
and properties.
dct:license | |
skos:note |
Text structure, text editing, and text roles are described in respective ontologies
Representation of text as object instead of literal data element, enabling relating
it to other things
dct:publisher |
Universities of Basel, Bern, and Zürich, Switzerland
dct:title |
An ontology about text
owl:versionInfo |
text:AgentCiter a rdfs:Class |
rdfs:comment |
Role of a human agent, person or group, citing a text.
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
Zitiererrolle eines Akteurs
citeur/se comme agent
citer role of agent
rdfs:subClassOf |
text:Citation a rdfs:Class |
rdfs:comment |
Copy of a text expression, mostly a part of it, in another text expression, with reference
to the first expression.
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
skos:note |
A citation can also be referred to from the source text, having an identifier linked
to both the citation reference of the source and the citation.
rdfs:subClassOf |
text:CitationIdentifier a rdfs:Class |
rdfs:comment |
Identifier of a citation.
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
citation identifier
identifiant de citation
identificatore di citazione
rdfs:subClassOf |
text:CitationNumber a rdfs:Class |
rdfs:comment |
Number of a citation.
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
numéro de citation
citation number
numero di citazione
rdfs:subClassOf |
text:CitationReference a rdfs:Class |
rdfs:comment |
Reference of a text to a citation thereof via the citation identifier.
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
citation reference
rdfs:subClassOf |
text:CitationSourceReference a rdfs:Class |
rdfs:comment |
Reference of a citation to the source text via the text identifier.
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
riferimento alla fonte di citazione
référence de la source de citation
citation source reference
rdfs:subClassOf |
text:CompiledText a rdfs:Class |
rdfs:comment |
Text assembled from previously separate texts.
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
compiled text
texte compilé
kompilierter Text
testo compilato
rdfs:subClassOf |
text:Compiler a rdfs:Class |
rdfs:comment |
Role of a person assembling texts to a new whole.
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
rdfs:subClassOf |
text:ContentNature a rdfs:Class |
rdfs:comment |
Nature of the content of a text.
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
text content nature
Natura del contenuto del testo
Nature du contenu du texte
textinhaltliche Natur
rdfs:subClassOf |
text:CopiedText a rdfs:Class |
rdfs:comment |
Text copied by any method; text abstracted from its carrier.
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
kopierter Text
texte copié
testo copiato
copied text
rdfs:subClassOf |
text:Developing a rdfs:Class |
rdfs:comment |
Action wherein a person(s) creates text resulting in different manifestation, e.g.
from notebook to manuscript to typescript to published print.
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
Sviluppo del testo
text developing
Développement de texte
rdfs:subClassOf |
text:Fiction a rdfs:Class |
rdfs:comment |
Text having content derived from imagination.
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
fiction text
texte fictionnel
testo di finzione
rdfs:subClassOf |
text:GroupCiter a rdfs:Class |
rdfs:comment |
Citer as role of a group.
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
citeur/se comme groupe
citer role of group
Zitiererrolle einer Gruppe
rdfs:subClassOf |
text:Handwriter a rdfs:Class |
rdfs:comment |
Role of a person writing text symbols by hand.
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
rdfs:subClassOf |
text:HandwrittenText a rdfs:Class |
rdfs:comment |
Text with symbols formed by hand, abstracted from its manuscript.
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
texte manuscrit
testo scritto a mano
handgeschriebener Text
handwritten text
rdfs:subClassOf |
text:Nonfiction a rdfs:Class |
rdfs:comment |
Text having content based on fact.
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
testo di saggistica
nonfiction text
texte non fictionnel
rdfs:subClassOf |
text:Normalization a rdfs:Class |
rdfs:comment |
Derivative of a text of which it is a normalization along a certain procedure.
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
normalisation du texte
text normalization
normalizzazione del testo
rdfs:subClassOf |
text:OrganizationCiter a rdfs:Class |
rdfs:comment |
Citer as role of an organization.
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
Zitiererrolle einer Organisation
citer role of organization
rdfs:subClassOf |
text:PersonCiter a rdfs:Class |
rdfs:comment |
Citer as role of a person.
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
citer role of person
citeur/se comme personne
Zitiererrolle einer Person
rdfs:subClassOf |
text:PhotocopiedText a rdfs:Class |
rdfs:comment |
Text photocopied, abstracted from its carrier.
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
testo copiato
fotokopierter Text
photocopied text
texte copié
rdfs:subClassOf |
text:PrintedText a rdfs:Class |
rdfs:comment |
Text printed by any method, abstracted from its carrier.
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
texte imprimé
gedruckter Text
testo stampato
printed text
rdfs:subClassOf |
text:Scribe a rdfs:Class |
rdfs:comment |
Role of a person copying a text by handwriting, creating a transcribed text in a manual
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
rdfs:subClassOf |
text:SurfaceText a rdfs:Class |
rdfs:comment |
Text applied to any surface in any way, abstracted from its carrier.
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
testo superficiale
surface text
texte surfacique
skos:note |
Groups written and printed text.
rdfs:subClassOf |
text:Text a rdfs:Class |
rdfs:comment |
Human natural language expression serialized in writable form with a set of signs
representing semantics.
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
rdfs:subClassOf |
text:TranscribedText a rdfs:Class |
rdfs:comment |
Text copied by character by any writing method, and abstracted from its carrier.
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
transcribed text
texte transcrit
transkribierter Text
testo trascritto
rdfs:subClassOf |
text:Transcriber a rdfs:Class |
rdfs:comment |
Role of a person copying a text by writing, creating a transcribed text in a transcript.
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
scribe de texte
text transcriber
scriba di testo
rdfs:subClassOf |
text:Translation a rdfs:Class |
rdfs:comment |
Translation from text to text.
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
traduction de texte
text translation
traduzione di testi
rdfs:subClassOf |
text:TypewrittenText a rdfs:Class |
rdfs:comment |
Text written with a typewriter.
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
typewritten text
testo dattiloscritto
maschinengeschriebener Text
texte dactylographié
rdfs:subClassOf |
text:WrittenText a rdfs:Class |
rdfs:comment |
Text written by symbol, by any method, e.g. manually, with a typewriter, or on a computer,
abstracted from its carrier.
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
written text
texte écrit
testo scritto
geschriebener Text
rdfs:subClassOf |
text:characterSize a rdfs:Datatype |
rdfs:comment |
Datatype to type a character literal's size.
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
character size datatype
skos:note |
E.g. “10”^^sa:characterSize. Used in combination with other other character features.
rdfs:subClassOf |
text:citationHasNumber a owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a citation to its number.
rdfs:domain | |||||||||||||||
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |||||||||||||||
rdfs:label |
citation has number
la citazione ha un numero
la citation a un numéro
Zitat hat Nummer
rdfs:range | |||||||||||||||
rdfs:subPropertyOf |
text:citationHasSourceReference a owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a citation to its source reference.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
la citation a une référence de source
citation has source reference
citazione ha riferimento alla fonte
Zitat hat Quellenreferenz
rdfs:range | |
rdfs:subPropertyOf |
text:citationIsPartOf a owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a citation to a text expression it is part of.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
citation is part of text expression
la citazione fa parte dell'espressione del testo
Zitat ist Teil einer Textexpression
la citation fait partie de l'expression de texte
rdfs:range | |
rdfs:subPropertyOf |
text:hasAbbreviator a owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a text to a person who abbreviated it.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
has abbreviator
ha abbreviatore
a un abréviateur
hat Kurzfasser
rdfs:range |
text:hasAliasLiteral a owl:DatatypeProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a resource to the literal of an alias as an alternative name of the resource.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
ha letterale del falso nome
hat Aliasliteral
has alias literal
a littéral du nom d'emprunt
rdfs:range | |
rdfs:subPropertyOf |
text:hasAnnotator a owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a text to a person who annotated it.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
le texte a un annotateur
text has annotator
Text hat Annotator
il testo ha un annotatore
rdfs:range |
text:hasCitation a owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a text to a citation thereof.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
hat Zitat
has citation
ha una citazione
a une citation
owl:propertyChainAxiom | |
rdfs:range |
text:hasCitationIdentifier a owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a citation reference to its citation identifier.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
has citation identifier
a un identifiant de citation
ha un identificatore di citazione
hat Zitatidentifikator
rdfs:range | |
rdfs:subPropertyOf |
text:hasCitationReference a owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a text to a citation reference thereof.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
a une référence de citation
has citation reference
ha riferimento alla citazione
hat Zitatreferenz
rdfs:range |
text:hasCiter a owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a text to a human agent - person or group - citing in it.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
ha un citatore
hat Zitierer
has citer
a un citeur
rdfs:range |
text:hasCommentLiteral a owl:DatatypeProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a resource to the literal of a comment as a textual statement about the resource.
rdfs:domain | |||||||||||||||
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |||||||||||||||
rdfs:label |
a littéral du commentaire
hat Kommentarliteral
has comment literal
ha letterale del commento
rdfs:range | |||||||||||||||
rdfs:subPropertyOf |
text:hasCompiler a owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a text to a person who compiled it.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
Text hat Kompilierer
le texte a un compilateur
il testo ha un compilatore
text has compiler
rdfs:range |
text:hasContentNature a owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a text to a content nature it has.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
hat textinhaltliche Natur
ha natura contenuta
a une nature de contenu
has content nature
rdfs:range |
text:hasDefinitionLiteral a owl:DatatypeProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a resource to the literal of a definition as a textual statement about the
essential features of the resource.
rdfs:domain | |||||||||||||||
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |||||||||||||||
rdfs:label |
has definition literal
a littéral d'une définition
hat Definition
ha letterale della definizione
rdfs:range | |||||||||||||||
rdfs:subPropertyOf |
text:hasDetailDescriptionLiteral a owl:DatatypeProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a resource to the literal of a description of its detail. E.g. in the case
of a text a detail can be a passage variant or an emendation
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
hat Detailbeschreibungliteral
a littéral d'une description détaillée
has detail description literal
ha letterale della descrizione dettagliata
rdfs:range | |
rdfs:subPropertyOf |
text:hasEditor a owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a text to a person who edited it.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
Text hat Editor
le texte a un éditeur
text has editor
il testo ha un editor
rdfs:range |
text:hasGlossator a owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a text to a person who glossed it.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
hat Glossator
has glossator
ha un glossatore
a un glossateur
rdfs:range |
text:hasHandwriter a owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a handwritten text to the person who wrote it.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
has handwriter
hat Handschreiber
ha uno scrittore a mano
a un écrivain à la main
rdfs:range |
text:hasLineOrdinalNumber a owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a text to the number of a line of the text.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
a nombre ordinal de ligne de texte
hat Textzeilenordinalzahl
has text line ordinal number
ha numero ordinale della riga di testo
skos:note |
Line as a text structure is linked to its ordnial number with text-structure:lineHasOrdinalNumber.
rdfs:range | |
rdfs:subPropertyOf |
text:hasNumberOfPages a owl:DatatypeProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a text to the number of pages it has.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
ha un numero di pagine
hat Seitenanzahl
has number of pages
a un nombre de pages
rdfs:range |
text:hasPageNumberDescriptionLiteral a owl:DatatypeProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a text to a description of the number(s) of and possibly a location on (a)
pages it is on; examples of the string of its value: "001-002", "01 recto", "O2 (bottom)".
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
il testo ha una descrizione del numero di pagina
Text hat Seitennummerbeschreibung
text has page number description
le texte a une description de numéro de page
rdfs:range |
text:hasPasticheIn a owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a text to an expression wherein it has a pastiche.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
has pastiche in
hat Pastiche in
rdfs:range | |
rdfs:subPropertyOf |
text:hasPossibleCiter a owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a text to a possible human agent - person or group - citing in it.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
hat möglichen Zitierer
ha un citatore possibile
has possible citer
a un citeur possible
rdfs:range |
text:hasPreferredNameLiteral a owl:DatatypeProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a resource to a preferred name literal.
rdfs:domain | |||||||||||||||
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |||||||||||||||
rdfs:label |
ha letterale del nome preferito
hat bevorzugtes Namenliteral
a littéral du nom préféré
has preferred name literal
rdfs:range | |||||||||||||||
rdfs:subPropertyOf |
text:hasReferenceText a owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a text to another one as its reference.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
has reference text
hat Referenztext
a un texte de référence
ha un testo di riferimento
skos:note | |
rdfs:range |
text:hasRevisor a owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a text to a person who revised it.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
text has revisor
le texte a un réviseur
il testo ha un revisore
Text hat Überprüfer
rdfs:range |
text:hasSpecialDescriptionLiteral a owl:DatatypeProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a resource to the literal of a description of (a) certain feature(s).
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
ha letterale della descrizione speciale
hat Spezialbeschreibungliteral
a littéral d'une description spéciale
has special description literal
rdfs:range | |
rdfs:subPropertyOf |
text:hasSubtitleLiteral a owl:DatatypeProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a resource to the literal of a subtitle as additional, usually explanatory
to the title.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
ha letterale del sottotitolo
a littéral du sous-titre
has subtitle literal
hat Untertitelliteral
rdfs:range | |
rdfs:subPropertyOf |
text:hasTitleLiteral a owl:DatatypeProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a resource to the literal of a title as a textual appelation of the resource.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
ha letterale del titolo
has title literal
hat Titelliteral
a littéral du titre
rdfs:range | |
rdfs:subPropertyOf |
text:hasTranscriber a owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a text to a person who transcribed it; text abstracted from its carrier.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
a transcripteur
has transcriber
ha trascrittore
hat Transkribierer
rdfs:range |
text:hasVersionIndicator a owl:DatatypeProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a text to a textual element that indicates its version.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
ha un indicatore di versione
has version indicator
hat Versionindikator
a un indicateur de version
rdfs:range | |
rdfs:subPropertyOf |
text:isAlludedToIn a owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a text to an expression wherein it is alluded to.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
is alluded to in
wird angedeutet in
rdfs:range | |
rdfs:subPropertyOf |
text:isCitedBy a owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a text to a human agent - person or group - citing it.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
is cited by
est cité par
ist zitiert von
è citato da
rdfs:range |
text:isCitedFiveTimesIn a owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a text to an expression wherein it is cited five times.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
is cited five times in
ist funfmal zitiert in
est cité cinq fois dans
skos:note |
owl:propertyChainAxiom | |
rdfs:range | |
rdfs:subPropertyOf |
text:isCitedFourTimesIn a owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a text to an expression wherein it is cited four times.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
ist viermal zitiert in
est cité quatre fois dans
is cited four times in
skos:note |
owl:propertyChainAxiom | |
rdfs:range | |
rdfs:subPropertyOf |
text:isCitedIn a owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a text to an expression wherein it is cited.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
ist zitiert in
est cité dans
is cited in
è citato in
owl:propertyChainAxiom | |
rdfs:range | |
rdfs:subPropertyOf |
text:isCitedThreeTimesIn a owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a text to an expression wherein it is cited three times.
rdfs:domain | |||||||||||||
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |||||||||||||
rdfs:label |
est cité trois fois dans
ist dreimal zitiert in
is cited three times in
skos:note |
owl:propertyChainAxiom | |||||||||||||
rdfs:range | |||||||||||||
rdfs:subPropertyOf |
text:isCitedTwiceIn a owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a text to an expression wherein it is cited twice.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
est cité deux fois dans
ist zweimal zitiert in
is cited twice in
skos:note |
owl:propertyChainAxiom | |
rdfs:range | |
rdfs:subPropertyOf |
text:isIdentifierOfCitation a owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating an identifier to its citation.
rdfs:domain | |
owl:inverseOf | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
est l'identifiant de la citation
ist Identifikator eines Zitats
è identificatore di citazione
is identifier of citation
rdfs:range |
text:isMentionedIn a owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a text to an expression wherein it is mentioned.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
est mentionné dans
è menzionato in
is mentioned in
ist erwähnt in
rdfs:range | |
rdfs:subPropertyOf |
text:isNormalizationOf a owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a normalized text derivative to its source text.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
est la normalisation du texte
è la normalizzazione del testo
is Normalization of text
ist Normalisierung eines Textes
rdfs:range |
text:isPlagiarisedIn a owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a text to an expression wherein it is plagiarised.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
ist plagiiert in
is plagiarised in
rdfs:range | |
rdfs:subPropertyOf |
text:isTextOfDocument a owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:comment |
Relating a text to the document it is part of.
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | |
rdfs:label |
est le texte du document
is text of document
è il testo del documento
ist Text eines Dokuments
rdfs:range | |
rdfs:subPropertyOf |